what i don't get is why you were posting on this website at 10:45 on New Years Eve.
And Imaginative journeys are easy, if you really don't get it, go back to basics. Think of it as any journey that takes place, whether its inner or physical, due to an event that occured in the mind of, say a character. That is the easiest way to think about it.
For example, in American Beauty, you could say that Lester undertook all those radical changes in his life (quitting his job, buying a firebird ect.) because of the release he tasted through his fantisies about that chick.
Bearing in mind, this is a very basic way to look at it, you're gonna have to go well beyond that if you want a band 6.
Oh, and use words like 'juxta-position' and 'omnipotence', and refer to yourself as the 'responder'.
At first with Imaginative journeys i was like 'what the fuck', but now its sweet, ask your teacher, or a nerdy friend, its all good, now i'm fully glad that we are doing imaginative journeys, they leave you with so many options and much freedom.