what formula is that?serge said:formulas like q=mc(delta)T need to be remembered
from my own past paper experience that's all that
is ever asked... enthalpy of different fuels etc
the rest is generally HSC stuff
nosadness said:totally disagree with all of u guys
yr11 chem u dun need shit of it.
i didnt do any yr11 chem thought i was gonna drop it after the first day...so i didnt know any chemistry from yr11. but yr12 chem is more interesting...so dun worry if ur failing yr11 chem. u still got a good chance to come first in yr12
Haha. Owned.nosadness said:what formula is that?
what does it do?
fine than, ill be the special case. half the time in yr i was jigging class, other half sleeping through it. in yr 12 it got interesting and i was like a baby, everything just sank in. lol maybe space saving by not learning yr11 helped out.Dreamerish*~ said:Haha. Owned.
Year 11 is very important if you don't want to cram your butt off througout year 12. If you have a good grasp of the basic concepts, what you learn in year 12 should sink in easily. The earlier you learn stuff, the easier you can take it during your HSC. I learnt mole calculations in year 9 and although I never used it until year 11, it all came back to me.
Year 12 Chem is a lot more interesting, but so many people find it difficult because they didn't do well in year 11.
It can also be called "q", you know, for fun.nosadness said:dun answer that, that is freaken the heat of combustion/ enthralpy formula!!!!
guess i am getting ok...too tired. why did he use a "q"?
lol, Year 11 Chemistry has to rate alongside Year 9/10 Australian Histry as the most boring part of school life. The Chemical Earth is unbelivably boring, as is that metals topic. I suppose the last topic is alright, but the prelim course is as dry as it getsKFunk said:I slept through year 11 chemistry. Metals and The Chemical Earth rank up there with some of the most painful stuff I've ever had to sit through, Metals especially.
to keep you guessingnosadness said:why did he use a "q"?
it gets covered in the production of materials. first topic of hsc chemLuthienAdrianna said:I don't know what I was doing during the Chemical Earth - there's like a big blank space in my memory for that topic. Same for Metals. Water was REALLY bad - that was the topic I considered dropping Chemistry in. We're now (still!) doing Energy and I'm actually enjoying it so I don't know what changed there.
P.S. When does molar heat of combustion get covered?
YES, another supporter of stuff year 11 chemthunderdax said:I can't remember anything from year 11 chemistry, we had a teacher who just sat up the front of the class while we did whatever we wanted. Then in year 12 I came top of the year, showing that all the year 11 stuff you need should have probably been covered during the year 12 course, even though its "assumed knowledge".