Okay well it sounds like you don't need to lose weight at all. I am about the same height and weight as you and I'm pretty damn skinny. It also seems that counting calories is not going to work for you, so don't do it. There are other ways to keep track of your food intake and maintain (not lose) your current weight.
- If you feel hungry, occupy yourself with something else for ten minutes. If you're still hungry, eat something small and healthy, like a piece of fruit. True hunger will stick around, boredom cravings will go away once you find something else to do.
- Eat all your main meals sitting down at a table with minimal distractions. Eat slowly and put your fork down between bites. Your body takes about 20 minutes or so to register that you're full, so if you eat it all in 5 minutes you're not giving yourself the chance to regulate how much you're actually eating.
- Eat regularly, I cannot stress this enough, do not skip meals or force yourself not to eat when you are genuinely hungry.
And exercise regularly
you'll be fine