Just a piece of advice with those society questions. Technically it is a society, economics etc question BUT what the examiners are actually looking for there is not your understanding of like saying things are renewable or making blanket statements. They are more looking for are you able to link the chemistry you have learnt to a society, environmental or economics issue.
For instance if someone just said ethanol is renewable I wouldn't be inclined to give that a good mark. There's no link to the chemistry you have learnt. A better answer would be ethanol is renewable when derived from plants such as maze or sugar cane. This provides a glucose source which can be used in fermentation (INSERT CHEMICAL EQUATION)
That there is a way better way to justify something
Another example, if I am talking about an advantage to the economy of fossil fuels. Lets say I say something like fossil fuels are used in a variety of places that improve human life such as home appliances, fuel sources, agriculture, stoves and heating. You can make your answer better and link it to the chemistry, by saying what the specific hydrocarbons are used in each application. So for example methane in stoves (EQUATION), fuel sources use octane normally (EQUATION), agriculture uses diesel (EQUATION), coal for electricity (EQUATION)
One last example, ethanol has a disadvantage to economics in terms of cars as water gets dissolved in it which will corrode engines. Here is a perfect opportunity for you to discuss your knowledge on intermolecular forces. So add in your answer, ethanol is a polar molecule and has dipole-dipole interactions as well as hydrogen bonding which allows water to dissolve in it (CAN EVEN STICK IN THE DIAGRAM HERE SHOWING THE HYDROGEN BOND BETWEEN ETHANOL AND WATER). This is a problem for a fuel source because water is corrosive to metals in the engine lining (EQUATION here for rust if you know it)
So make sure you don't just write a million words in those questions try to attach chemical equations and chemistry principles everywhere