ummm im not sure...but hasnt that go to do with rosalind franklin, watson, crick and that other lady?
baiscally you gotta emphasise on how watson and crick were open to collaboration and displayed high levels of communication:
-they were open to share information with competitors.
-used info from others to help them figure out the structure of dna
-eg, they used franklin's images provided
therefore through effective collaboration and communication tey were able to speed up their research and discovery.
Franklin and other person, on the other hand were the opposite, the guy in this two person team believed that collaboration and communication were the keys to success and quicker discoveries, but due to Franklin, research was slow and discovery, Franklin was restricted to present her 'excellent' images of DNA and was often an individual who did basically everything on her own, it wa snot until that these 'execellent' images were revealed to watson and crick by that guy ,franklins partner, that DNA structure was concluded. These excellent images had also proved taht watsons dna structure was actually the wrong way around, it was reversed and so yeah
so like from this you could conclude the effectiveness as to how collaboration and communication contribute to success, research and discover thus urging the concept of collaborating and communicating!...i think i might have had the names mixed around but it goes something like that from what i can remember