Generally, when applying to transfer your ATAR (or equivalent) and the results from your tertiary study will be considered. It may help to think of these being given an approximately 50/50 weighting and assigned an overall rating similar to a ATAR.
Results from tertiary study will be only considered if you have been enrolled for at least one full-time year or an equivalent period part-time. These studies would normally need to be part of a recognised award course of at least associate diploma level or higher for your results to be considered.
Students should note that applying to transfer to the Faculty of Science is competitive, the exact standard required for each intake is determined by a comparison of the number and quality of applications with the number of places available in courses.
Minimum requirements are sometimes listed in the Faculty Handbook. Overall, a higher ATAR for a degree would be indicative of requiring a higher ATAR/Tertiary combination to successfully transfer to that degree.
Applicants with a record of failure at tertiary study are less competitive for a place than those with a successful academic history.