Iguana said:
the 2 unit and 1 unit class had the same assessment
though different weightings
we got told that 2 unit would be marked harder than 1 unit
so if were to drop down
would my mark stay the same?
thank you
yes, they should stay the same...weightings dont really matter until they matter!
Besides, if you drop, your raw score would have to weighted accordingly if they are weighting now
As for marking harder...thats crap unless the 2 unit teacher marked the 2 unit papers only and the 1 unit teacher/s marked the 1 unit only (which would mean they was a massive inconsistency in the marking of the task)...most schools with large cohorts (ie more than one class!) will simplify the marking and get one/two teachers to mark them to ensure consistency-especially if they were due at the same time!!...plus why would they mark one assessment harder than the other when its exactly the same task? That doesnt make sense, especially if its exactly the same task ie same outcomes, same requirements etc
If you are not sure, see you RE co-ordinator (if they are not your teacher) and get the facts straight from the 'horses mouth' (I wouldnt talk to your 'class teacher' as its not their 'call')