Get a journal now. Write ideas. Talk to people, get a general history/authors/styles about Short Stories. That should fill in some pages and should sprout ideas.
Yes you need a concept. Don't get mixed up with concept and ideas. Ideas sprout from the concept
Here are some starters
-What are you most passionate about? (This should let you motivate you)
-What do you want to tell the world? (Sense of purpose or direction)
-What do you WANT to know more about? (Research aspect)
-What aspect of English Extension 1 or Advanced English have you found interesting and would like to extend on it a little more? (In the course you are required to explain how your project is an extension of these courses)
-What medium have you had the most experience in and/or want to expand on? (Help you with confidence so you have room for experimentation)
-What connections do you have eg: People with great multimedia knowledge or friends and relatives who are writers etc (This will help you with your medium and boost your independent investigation marks up)
-What are some of the injustices of the world eg: dominant discourses such as the "otherness" of women (Another purpose thing)
If you can't think of an idea now, at least think of the medium or concept. Remember that a "concept" is not as simple as a plot narrative or whatever. Perhaps you want to question the boundary between memory and reality blah blah blah.
I think those questions should get you started. The more answers, the better prepared you'll be.