Yeh, very straightforward questions AND stimulus compared to last years one (a man in a shed, c'mon, doesn't give us I&S people much room)!
The creative asking for a narrative that explored dependence and independence worked really well, but I don't think it did for the post-modern elective; I just thought it's a bit of a cop out for the BoS to use the same question across the entire Module. My narrative was two point perspective...just worried that it might sound too similar to A Doll's House.
The essay question threw me off when I looked at the question, but psychology=ways of thinking basically and I argued that though my texts ('Pride and Prejudice', Browning poems etc) suggested and predicted the change in the later 19th century, they reaffirm the status quo which sounded similar to last year's question "[...]still think that freedom is possible, that is an
illusion created by you, not by me."
By the way, is it true that 'Individual and Society' is usually dominated by girls, because it seems that way! There's only one class of guys (about 20 of us) doing it at my school. The other 60 or so do Crime Fic.