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Investment Banking VS Lawyer (1 Viewer)

Aug 13, 2004
if you do fin/law u could do both of these jobs, im wondering which has the highest salary, which has longer working hours? id assume law has highest wage and most stressful with most working hours, but i know investment banking has alot of hours too. which is a more stressful job with longer hours and if you could have the opportunity to choose which one would you do?

~ ReNcH ~

!<-- ?(°«°)? -->!
Sep 12, 2004
/**North Shore**\
I'd personally like a job in IB. Being a barrister doesn't really appeal to me (solicitor, maybe) but I'd definitely be looking for a career in finance if I get into Com/Law in 2006.


What did the crab do?
Jan 12, 2005
Sydney, Australia
codereder said:
if you do fin/law u could do both of these jobs, im wondering which has the highest salary, which has longer working hours? id assume law has highest wage and most stressful with most working hours, but i know investment banking has alot of hours too. which is a more stressful job with longer hours and if you could have the opportunity to choose which one would you do?
I typed out a lovely long message, which I've just deleted becuase it all comes back to what you're intersted in. From what I've seen, they're both pretty similar (with a few variations on that theme), but obviously have different content.

Personally, I'd go with law: it seems to have more room to play with it, and it keeps me away from numbers (despite my businessy streak, I'm no accountant/investment banker). There's good money in both -- neither will ever really disappear so you'd have pretty secure jobs. From what I've seen, investment banking is very cutthroat and mentally exhausting, while at least if you have law and you burn out you can take a step back and do some bare basics (ie stepping back from some high flying corporate merger or cutting edge intellectual property stuff, to running your own little firm from the second bedroom at home) to give you a break.

I don't know that anyone here can really provide you an answer; you've gotta see it for yourself. I'd go out and do some work experience in them over the holidays, or talk to some people who are in the fields..

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