Information Systems and Databases
a. Commonwealth Copyright Act - 1968
b. Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act - 1982
c. New South Wales Freedom of Information Act - 1989
Distributed databases are many databases that are located on different sites, however act as one single database when accessed. Distributed databases remove the bottlenecking problems from many people accessing data at the same time in a centralised database. Transmission costs are also lowered. Two-phased commits are used to make check if a database is ready to transmit and receive data.
IF 175 Records = 64 bytes:
File size in Kb = 64B / 1024 Kb
= 0.064 Kb
The two types of encryption are;
Symmetric encryption - where the same key is used to encode and decode data.
Asymmetric encryption - where a public and private key is used to encode and decode data respectively.
Search engines use spiders and search robots to find pages that contain keywords or titles entered by the user. The spider/robot then stores webpage URLs that contain these keywords in an index file: the user queries this index file for URLs that contain keywords. The search engine then displays a list of URLs that contain the keywords specified by the user.
Data warehouses large databases that hold raw data about an organisation, collected electronically from a variety of sources. They can be used along with data mining techniques to find relationships that may be unknown to an organisation or entity due to breakdowns in communication or uncertainty. For example: Accounting might say profits may be down, however products are selling extremely well according to sales. Data mining techniques will realise that for profits to increase prices of good must also be increased.
The roles of a network administrator
Network administrators are employed to manage networks within an organisation. Therefore many tasks must be carried out including:
- Adding and removing users from a network.
- Log on and log off procedures are created to allow levels of access to a network through usernames and passwords. Log off procedures ensure data will not be compromised due to leaving sessions available for unauthorised visitors to access.
- Assigning printers to clients on a network based off their physical location, lowering times taken for employees to walk to printers that are further away than necessary.
- Client installation and protocol assignment allow clients to access the existing network that might be based of specialised protocols. It is the role of the network administrator to install NICs if clients require them to access the network.
- Installing software and sharing with users, network administrators must install software on new clients and follow network/site licensing agreements. Users that require specialised software will have access to this software, however will others that do not require it will not have access to it. Network administrators determine who needs and doesn't need specialised software.
- Network based applications, mainly the updating of file servers to hold user data that is stored locally and the downloading of web pages from web servers to browsers.
- Giving users file access rights, stop the unauthorised reading, executing and modification of critical system files and other users files that do not pertain to the participants work.