I am not sure if this is the right place, but i want to show you this website I got invited to. It is http://www.uvouch.com
I just want to share. It has social link bookmarking and you can add videos from any website with just one click. Make your own videos rolls, tag rolls, search boxes etc.........Profile and network. 200,000 videos already on the website. Compatible with 99% of videos site, so one click will save a video to uvouch and you can view it from there
I hope people on this forum would find it useful
I am not sure if this is the right place, but i want to show you this website I got invited to. It is http://www.uvouch.com
I just want to share. It has social link bookmarking and you can add videos from any website with just one click. Make your own videos rolls, tag rolls, search boxes etc.........Profile and network. 200,000 videos already on the website. Compatible with 99% of videos site, so one click will save a video to uvouch and you can view it from there
I hope people on this forum would find it useful