emmmy said:
i have two questions i just want some extra help on..
1. compare islamic sexual beliefs with those that exist within australian society (5marks)
2. "western society, ignorant of islamic belief and practices, sees the role of women as being inferior and discrimintory" comment on this statement. (7marks)
there were 4questions before. but i just need help to expand these two and get more marks.
Are you in Yr 11 or 12? (those questions could be split across both courses!!)
I fail to see how the second question is relevant is relevant to the HSC syllabus at all to be honest....closest would be an understanding of the role of women in the development of Islam (which assumes you have studied Fatimah or Khadijah) but you would have to keep in mind the fact that culture and religion have been so closely blended in Islam that there really is little distinction between the two eg the wearing of the veil and how it 'varies' between nationalities and levels of belief.
q1 is equally subjective as what are the general sexual beliefs of Australian society? Other than on the issue of pedophilia, does Australia have any firm, everyone generally agrees on views on sexual ethics? (it also should be noted that general society sexual ethics are not studied in the course are therefore this question is setting you up for failure if your views disagree with the marker!!)
These are very random and I would love to see the criteria for them to see what the hell your teacher is getting at!
(especially given the marks so Im guessing the written expectation is that this is a typical /15 mark question) (though are doing 4 of them which is wrong as there has to be 3 questions not 4)