It Timber portfolio Example (1 Viewer)


New Member
Nov 28, 2007
Hi there,

First time posting but long time reading,
I am starting to work on my portfolio for my IT timber major project and I was wondering wether anyone had an example of a major porject folio That I could have a look at so I know roughly what it should look like, preferably a good one so I know what I am up against, You can either post a link or send a copy to my email,

Thanks heaps, any help is appreciated
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Premium Member
Apr 19, 2006
-33.917188, 151.232890
here are some tips.

I think you should do some research into project management. Because that is one thing that your management folio achieves. In a business you have to plan projects effectively, thus look into project management.

Ensure your folio covers these aspects,

Design and management
– statement of intent (aka. aim, mission statement)
– research
– development of ideas
– selection and justification of materials, components, processes and other resources
– timeline plan – projected order of production and estimate of time allocation
– finance plan – projected cost of materials and services (if applicable) (aka. budget)
– use of appropriate industrial processes and equipment
– evidence of safe working practices and OH&S issues

Workplace communication
Documentation of the major project from conception to completion including:
– evidence of ongoing evaluation
– appropriateness of design and/or design modification
– student’s evaluation of the major project and its relationship to the statement of intent
– evidence of a range of communication techniques
– evidence of a range of computer applications, eg word processing, spreadsheets, CAD, multimedia

Also make sure you,

Design and Management
• Clarifies the intent of the major project by explaining clearly what is to be
achieved and why
• Describes a wide range of research conducted, which is relevant to the
intent of the major project
• Analyses and evaluates the development and modification of the major
project design ideas
• Describes and justifies the selection of appropriate materials, components,
processes, including industrial processes and equipment, and other
resources in the development of the major project
• Formulates a comprehensive and appropriate timeline and finance plan
• Demonstrates the use of a wide range of appropriate safe working
practices through photographic or written evidence

Workplace Communication
• Provides critical evaluation of the major project, including in relation to
the statement of intent, throughout the development and production
• Assesses the relationship between the design, and modifications if
applicable, materials, components and processes in the development of the
major project
• Demonstrates a wide range of communication techniques, including
computer applications appropriate to the development of the major project

If you have any specific questions, please ask. I think i will get a band 6 for my IT-Graphics Project. i hope

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