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Japanese Culture (1 Viewer)



I have to give a speech on Japanese Youth Culture. Any advive on what to talk about and how to structure it? I was thinking of talking about manga/anime, video games, fashion, school clubs etc.


Also talk about the technology the youth use, i.e. mobile (keitai denwa), cameras(kamera) etc.
You should structure it using, ~to omou, ~wo kanjiru, ~sou, ~mitai, ~rashi. Use connecting words like saishouni (to start off the body), saigo (to end), soshite, sorede, tashika ni, wakeha ~ kara, and yeh
Hope that helped


May 11, 2006
ohhhhhh i've been to japan on exchange.

my god the Toilets there are fascinating!!!
They have temperature controls for the toilet seat...and there's this control where you can WASH ur ass!!!! It's so hilarious i gave a speech on it once~


[FONT=&quot]this is my speech, copied striaght out of its word doc, i think this is the beginers speaking task, or something similar, so it may be useful.


Australian youth culture and Japanese youth culture have various differences. Youth is from 13 to adulthood. In Japan Adulthood comes at 20 years of age, but in <st1><st1:country-region w:st="on"></st1:country-region></st1>Australia adulthood come at 18 years old. From the age of adulthood it is ok if you drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes.<o></o>
In <st1><st1:country-region w:st="on">Japan</st1:country-region></st1>, anime, comics and video games are popular amongst youths. It is possible to see youths reading comic books everywhere. Because comics and anime are popular many youths like drawing pictures. Japanese youths only watch a little TV. Therefore I have heard that they only watch their favourite TV show. Video Games are also popular. Because RPG games are more popular than other game types Final Fantasy is the most popular (game). But in Japan<st1></st1> video games are very expensive so friends share their games.<o></o>
Japanese Youths go to specialized high schools. Sometimes they must go to school on Saturdays. After school lessons students may do club activities. There are sport and culture clubs. (Students) may enter various clubs. For example, Baseball, flowers arranging, kendo etc. I think many students enjoy club activities. After returning home from school students do homework and study. For example, when I went to <st1><st1:country-region w:st="on">Japan</st1:country-region></st1>, I stayed with Yohei’s family. Every night Yohei studied from 12 (am) to 3 (am). Therefore, the next morning because he got up late we had to run to the train. I think that Japanese students do too much study.<o></o>
Amongst Australian youths music, movies and parties are popular. On weekends there are often parties. At parties (youths) drink alcohol and listen to music (and do other things). But at parties many people aren’t 18. Therefore, they must not drink alcohol. Amongst Australian youths music is popular. Because many people like rock (music) and pop (music) many bands have become famous. Movie cinemas stay open until late for the purpose of allowing youths to watch movies.<o></o>
Australian youths go to school from <st1:time hour="8" minute="30" w:st="on">8:30am</st1:time> to <st1:time hour="15" minute="0" w:st="on">3pm</st1:time>. After year 10 it is ok if you don’t go to school. I think it is better to study your HSC rather than search for employment. After graduating from high school I think I intend to study engineering at university.<o></o>
In <st1><st1:country-region w:st="on">Australia</st1:country-region></st1> you can hold a driver’s license from the age of 17. I think this is convenient, but because young drivers only have a little experience there is a lot of car crashes. Therefore older people say that it is dangerous for youths to drive.<o></o>
[FONT=&quot]Therefore, Australian youth culture and Japanese youth culture have various differences.[/FONT]
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Aug 16, 2005
Bonnells Bay
Testpilot said:
this is my speech, copied striaght out of its word doc, i think this is the beginers speaking task, or something similar, so it may be useful.
the board of studies forum doesn't display japanese correctly, so we can't get the full effect of your speech. if you're keen, you could post it fully in romaji.


Because its unreadable, here's the word doc, there may be a few mistakes because it is not the final version but it should help beginers. Though some sentances/ words might need to be looked up.

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