I found this interesting: Republican Senators Lobby to End Filibuster on Judicial Nominees.
This part in particular:
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This part in particular:
Politically neutral or ideologically charged (or some other point of view)? What are your thoughts?KWAME HOLMAN: Today with Republicans sounding increasingly serious about using the nuclear option, liberal interest groups are broadcasting television ads in 18 states warning of conservative plans to accomplish an ideological shift on the courts.
AD SPOKESPERSON: We're a two-party system. America works best when no one party has absolute power. It's just plain common sense. So write your senators today, don't let anyone kill the filibuster.
KWAME HOLMAN: And conservative organizations are applying pressure of their own with this ad running nationwide.
AD SPOKESPERSON: The president believes judges shouldn't impose political views, yet his nominees are blocked by a minority of liberal senators. Contact your senators. Tell them to support a fair vote on judges.
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