Somewhere in my pile of english stuff from last year (year 11) i have oodles of information on him i think.
Have you read "Five Bells"? Thats an awesome poem when doing things from Slessors perspective. Because its a very personal poem about his friend Joe Lynch who drowned in sydney harbour.
He was inspired to write about it after an arabic myth said this guy stuck his head into a magical pond for a few seconds and in that space of time, he lived and entire life.
What a coincident.....i'm doing a speech pretending to be a poet for eng. too, but instead of slessor i'm doing robert lowell.....two of the other adv classes are doing slessor....
nope i havent read five bells, and we can only talk about north country, country towns, wild grapes, sleep, rev. samuel marsden, beach burial and gulliver...but since u mentioned 5 bells it sounds interesting, i might read it.