Firstly this is very complicated.
Not only do you have to recognise multiple languages and have a database for each language, if you want it to be useful, you will need to think about grammar...
But if you still are interested:
Build up a database where each english word has its equivalent word in the other languages. Then whenever a phrase is entered, recognise all words, match with corrosponding word in database, slot into new phrase. Easy. But not grammatically correct.
I wouldnt use arrays for this, basically because you will need to keep the same database all the time. Ie: the corrosponding words dont change when you close the program, so it saves time to just use a db rather than write a table from code when you run each translation.
Its basically just some string manipulation and a couple of simple database searches. Dont need arrays.
Thats not to say you couldnt do it with arrays though.
To answer your question on arrays however. (In a VB setting because you see to do vb)
You need to initialise an array in a general declatations area.
eg. Dim MyArray(100) as String
This says the items in the array MyArray (with 100 locations) will be string type.
Then to fill, all you need is a counter which tells you where you are writing to, and then you say: (for this example, a for loop is used to fill 100 locations with the number of the counter)
For arrCount = 0 to 100 (eeerrrr is it 99? whatever figure that out yourself (i'm on a mac atm - no vb))
MyArray(arrCount) = Str(arrCount)
Next arrCount