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Lear: empathy writing (1 Viewer)


Active Member
May 26, 2005
Cloud 9
we have an assessment for king lear, an empathy writing task, where we will be asked to write something as one of the characters in the play.

we have to talk about values, incorporate knowledge of themes and details of play

eg, if we're writing as kent, we might mention specifications of - dressing up as caius, or 'i tripped oswald because he was a disloyal villain' etc etc to show we have knowledge of the play.

bit i dont understand, is ...what the hell do i base my writing around?

i dont get it.

eg question: write as the fool to cordelia explaining why you left king lear.

how do i bring in themes of legitimacy, appearance/reality, etc, + bring in knowledge of various bits of the play and all
what do i structure my responses around???


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