New Member
Just wondering if anyone is doing lighting for their IP. If so im doing holy day and yer its pretty god damn good. There was some kangaroo dude before in this forum. Also is anyone doing Holy Day and know where i can get some good info or help for it in any way? ?
There was apparently only 7 people in NSW for their HSC that did lighting and i think thats pretty crap, and onstage didnt provide and lighting assignments (none might have been submited!) or the HSC drama cd that comes out dosent show any lighting examples.
So anyway..anyone doing lighting or know of anyone . .
or can help me with holy day or dosent anyone need help with holy day from me!
Just wondering if anyone is doing lighting for their IP. If so im doing holy day and yer its pretty god damn good. There was some kangaroo dude before in this forum. Also is anyone doing Holy Day and know where i can get some good info or help for it in any way? ?
There was apparently only 7 people in NSW for their HSC that did lighting and i think thats pretty crap, and onstage didnt provide and lighting assignments (none might have been submited!) or the HSC drama cd that comes out dosent show any lighting examples.
So anyway..anyone doing lighting or know of anyone . .
or can help me with holy day or dosent anyone need help with holy day from me!