I think i've lost at least 9 marks already
I swear that multiple choice thing is meant to lure people into a false sense of confidence. There I was, sitting there thinkin to meself, yeah it's 8 minutes into the test and i've finished the multiple choice which was meant to take "40 minutes" . And they were pretty easy, good questions, that make sense.
"Swell," I thought to myself as I turned the page.
Question 21. It was a bit of a bugger trying to rule lines using the edge of one of the writing booklets for that data dictionary, but I got there in the end. Just a minor annoyance. Won't affect me for the rest of the test
Or so I hoped
Quickly, I devoured questions 21 to 24 within the hour. Sure, there were a few minor kinks like that information system with the pizzas and the importance of user documentation, but in general, it was good.
The option topics. I flicked to the option that our teacher had kindly chosen for us at the beginning of the year, Decision Support Systems. "Describe and analyse the decision support system in terms of the information porocesse of organising, analysing and processing?" WTF?
I turned to Transaction Support Systems, hoping that I could BullS my way through that topic in a pathetic attempt to avoid answering that overly vague, open ended "write everything you know cos we don't know" question.
At that point, I almost burst into tears. Every option had the same 6 mark quesiton. EVERY SINGLE ONE. There was no way out of it.
I sighed and picked up my favourite pen. Put on my nice essayist patronising "I know all" persona voice, normally reserved for English exams. It was going to be a long hour and a half.
OK that didn't actually really happen, a bit exagerrated
(i miss creative writing)