I've just transferred from Communications at UTS and the journo kids do really vocational stuff. From the first week they're having to get their own news stories that haven't been reported on before, go out in the city interviewing, etc. It's intense but apparently alot of fun so if you're sure you wanna be a journo kid that may be an option... Although Asylum is right in saying that it only qualifies you to be a journo.. to a point. Another main advantage of the UTS is course is it's a BA Communications rather than B Media, which opens alot more corporate doors in internal communications, PR etc. I know alot of people who completed communications degrees and are now working within varied sectors such as advertising, human resources, internal communications, media outlets etc. It's a degree with a fairly broad scope and can take you alot of places if you're willing to put in the hard yards (i.e. get yourself the internships in the summer, volunteer at radio stations, do anything you can to get yourself published ANYWHERE). According to alot of people that I've spoken to in the industry, as soon as people see the "B Media" they immediately think more multimedia and design stuff rather than writing. That being said I'm sure it's a great course regardless.
My question is... if you wanna be a journalist why do you want to do a law degree? Why spend almost twice the time in uni and get over twice the debt? I'm not saying not to do it cos law apparently makes a good generalist degree too, i was just wondering if there was any reason.
Regardless, you seem to have your eye on two very popular careers at the moment. Hope you work hard this year!