Oh thanks for your idea, the 'fantasy v. reality'. Sounds unique.
Yes, I'm in year 11.
And yes, I understand it has to be my own personal interest, but I'm sort of puzzled on the thought of what interests me; so therefore I came to ask for a third person's idea so I could expand on their idea to make it my own; which will (probably) create interests to me.
Anyways, I appreciate your thoughts and thank your for idea.
Haha, no worries. =)
Uhm you can use my topic for the Mini PIP if you wish. =)
Here's another topic that I done for the actual HSC PIP and achieved a 28/30, but it's a bit difficult and you might not understand it in it's essence as you only have two weeks to conduct one. Nevertheless, the topic question was on "Whether modernisation and westernisation impact upon the practice of religion in Australia". The focused religion was that of Islam, and the cultures were of Pakistan and Australia intermixed. Cross cultural component was that of time - the X generation and the Y generation.
It's upto you. Whatever suits you best.
I recommend doing some research as well. =)
I'll give you a personal reflection here. For the Mini PIP, I was heaps confused just like you. At that time (2 years ago), I hate to say it but I was Twilight Fan, and vampires interested me.
Hence, I researched upon that, but then PIPs were already conducted on vampirism so I was like 'nahh stuff it', and then I jumped from Twilight to vampires to fantasy, considering vampires are all fantasy creatures. And then I thought about Twilight again .. how Edward Cullen was a fantasy and Bella Swan a reality.
Therefore, my topic question was based around that idea, but included nothing of Twilight. Rather, it asked if dreams could come true.
Moral of the reflection - research and actual thinking would lead you to a stable topic.