Karl Weber (18th Century)
-Excavations followed hte lines of the streets, he entered the buildings along the streets through the doors. Tried to stop the practice of reburying excavated ruins. Kept detailed inventories of finds and located them on site plans - important in case of Villa of Papyri since these plans gave the original context of the 'library' of scrolls. His plans and notes were sent to the king of Italy(?), a royal edict banned visitors taking notes. Until recently Weber's work has remained unpublished.
Guiseppe Fiorelli (19th Century)
- Director of excavations at Pompeii in 1860
-Introduced systematic mehtods in:
- Recovering Ruins
- Recording details
-Carrying out excavations:
- Named and numbered buildings
- Divided town into regions containing insulae (?)
-Excavated houses from top
-Pioneered and developed plaster casts
-Published records
-Plaster cast methods:
- Identical cast of body
- Plaster filled in cavity under pressure
August Mau (end of 19th Century)
-Four styles of pinatings. Studied art/architecture at Pompeii. He developed a chronological typology of the wall paintings and provided an approximate date for each. This made it easier to date buildings.
First style - 157-80BC
Second style - 80-10BC
Third Style - 10-50BC
Fourth style - 50-79BC
Amedeo Maiuri (20th Century - 1924-1961)
Mauiru was in charge of the excavations for 37 years. He was interested in the historical development of the site and he made important contributions to the knowledge of the post-Roman period.
From 1924 he concentrated on the area around the Via dell'Abbondanza, excavating the insulae on either side of the road (Insulate - housing blocks 7,6,10,8).
He uncovered 140 metres of the road to the ampitheatre and also the palaestra. He worked on the House of Meander and the House of the Surgeons. He excavated around a portion of the city wall to expose the sequence of its construction. This revealed earlier samnite material.
He was later criticised for allowing older buildings already uncovered to be unprotected and unrecorded.
International Teams (20th Century)
Italian governmetn rejected many US and UK offers as 'interference'.
By early 1980's the desperate state of both sites caused international concern and the Italian govt had to accept foreign assitance. Foreign aid from European Economic Community and joint venture projects between Italian archaeologists, conservators and university-based teams around the world.
These projects provided training in the latest techniques in the field of archaeology. Commitment to the communication of findings globally has been the mark of these efforts.
Since the 1990's emphasis has shifted from the excavation of new areas to the re-investigation and conservation of exposed areas. Four areas of research:
-Archival research into the original excavations and the artefacts excavated
-recording analysis of standing remains.
-excavation of levels below AD 79
- Publication of the findings
Anglo American Project (20-21st Centuries)
University of Bradford - investigating the urban development in Region IV - Pompeii, a city block of mixed residential and commercial properties inside the Herculaneum Gate, including the House of the Vestals and The House of the SUrgeons. (Originally excavated in 19th century and damaged in WWII).
- Investigations of the stratigraphy below the AD 79 level have been undertaken and a chronology of buildings has been determined.
- Excavations below the House of Vestals - area occupied from the 4th Centruy BC, commercial buildings were constructed in the 2nd century, debris evident from Sulla's attack in 89BC.
- Around 20BC, the house was connected to the water supply of the city via the aqueduct branch into Pompeii. The house was damaged in the 69BC earhquake. Redating of House of SUgeons has been undertaken.
British School of Rome
-Trace urban development of Region 1, insulae 9.
- revelated site had been occupied as early as 11th century BC
- identified 4 phases in the history of the house of the beautiful impluvium
Philodemus Project
Heaps of info here for morden works...can't be bothered to type anymore