bewitched05, welcome to the BOS forums.
here are some thoughts to tackle moulin rouge.
-think about moulin rouge being a metaphor for opheus' myth, (i think thats how u spell his name). also consider the actual theatre production in the film as a parallel to the actual plot of moulin rouge itself. --> relate the imaginative aspect of the theatre production with the reality, the physical aspect, of the actual moulin rouge plot IE boy meets girl, boy gets girl.
-think about moulin rouge itself as a fantasy world, an imaginative place. consider slow motion, montages, blurry images, the acting, lighting, setting, camera movements.
-relation to coleridge: not really related to coleridge, rather, you relate it to the ideas that journeys presents to us. the techniques and methods used by coleridge are distinctly different to luhrrman, BUT, they all aim to illustrate similar ideas about journeys. thats where the comparisons with coleridge lies.