ok.my teacher has given me a mongrel assessment task on different types of engineering
it is as below
for each of the following professions listed below outline
1. nature and range of work done
2. current projects and inovations
3. health and safety matters
4. training for the profession
5. career prospects
6. relations with the community
7.technologies unique to the profession
the professions are
materials and mining
please help me
it is due in a week and i feel as if i cannot get it done.i cannot find many resources which specifically contain all the information i need.
your help will be most appreciated.thanks
it is as below
for each of the following professions listed below outline
1. nature and range of work done
2. current projects and inovations
3. health and safety matters
4. training for the profession
5. career prospects
6. relations with the community
7.technologies unique to the profession
the professions are
materials and mining
please help me
it is due in a week and i feel as if i cannot get it done.i cannot find many resources which specifically contain all the information i need.
your help will be most appreciated.thanks