I just got my plan back for the decarbonation of a soft drink n i lost mark for things i totally think weren't deserved!! Firstly, he said it was wrong to use water as a control as a comparison to decarbonating the soda water, n im pretty sure ive read some other ppl use that as a control!!!
n also he marked me down for sayin id use an electric balance instead of a triple beam balance coz i was away when he sed that the range wouldnt b wide enough for dis prac, n like how am i supposed to know that, surely that doesnt warrant losing marks for sumthin like dat. overall he gave me a band 4/5 (yeh dats right he marked an assessment wif a two band range, how helpful) n like it wa sjust a plan r u supposed to lose marks because u need to make minor adjustments, isnt dat d point of d plan!!! those were d only two things he wrote was wrong n i happnened to think i did a pretty damn good job coz i made sure i covered EVERYTHIN in the marking criteria.. im jsut so annoyed since i went to so much trouble for once in chem n it backfired! Do u guys think i have a right to complain or he marked fair enough?? if u need to see my plan to make a fair enough judgement i could post it