Throughout the year our english teachers have been telling us for the Imaginative journey question (qu 3, paper 1) we need to have:
- our text: On giants shoulders...within that we have to refer to:
- the introduction of the text
- 2-3 giants
- the conclusion of the text
- stimulus booklet: have 2-3 ready
- our own text: 2-3 ready...
How on earth can they expect us to write on all of that in 40 mins? Let alone remember everything to write down...
Can someone please tell me exactly what I need to use from On giants shoulders, how many stimulus texts i should know & also how many supplementary texts i need to know...
- our text: On giants shoulders...within that we have to refer to:
- the introduction of the text
- 2-3 giants
- the conclusion of the text
- stimulus booklet: have 2-3 ready
- our own text: 2-3 ready...
How on earth can they expect us to write on all of that in 40 mins? Let alone remember everything to write down...
Can someone please tell me exactly what I need to use from On giants shoulders, how many stimulus texts i should know & also how many supplementary texts i need to know...