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PDH question?? (1 Viewer)


New Member
May 15, 2008
Better Health For Individuals.

Propose an action plan designed to optimise the health of a Year 11 high school student. (8 marks)

I'm finding this difficult because it doesnt give you any of the person's information i.e eating habits etc.

Any ideas where I should start?


Apr 16, 2008
Well, if it doesn't give you any information about them, maybe you could list some general information (ie for the average/general population) eg eating habits, exercising, etc... and then tailor it for a year 11 high school student (ie they spend most of weekdays sitting in school, so need to do other exercise to make up for it, outside of school)

I don't know though, I don't do PDHPE so I'm sorry if I'm not much help...:eek:


Herpes Member
Mar 6, 2008
Somewhere over the rainbow
This is a really common question to receive in the prelim exams I have being told.

Because it is a very broad question I suggest researching the health of Year 11 students, what are their eating and physical activity patterns? Are they receiving the appropriate amounts of nutrients. Are year 11 students using drugs or sexually active? If so they may be at risk of STIs or other diseases.
These statistics are normally easy to find in many PDHPE textbooks, I use the Oxford PDHPE Application and Inquiry textbook and it has many articles about these behaviors in adolescents. You can always try the internet just be sure that it is reliable.

In regard to the actual assignment to develop an action plan you need to firstly establish long-term and short-term goals of your action plan, what do you want to achieve in a week, a month, a year and so on. These goals must take into account the target group's (Year 11) capabilities, environment and access to health services and support.
For example if someone wants to loose weight their short term goal may be to eat healthy for a week but long term they may want to lose 10 kilos.

When setting these goals follow what is known as the SMART principle.
Specific- goals that are clear and specific
Measurable- Provide opportunity to monitor progress and be able to identify when a goal has being reached.
Achievable- The goals must be achievable and take into barriers in implementing your action plan
Realistic- The goals much be challenging but still can be realistically achieved
Timed- There should be timelines set on the different goals you wish to achieve.

It is then a good idea to construct a timeline for when your different goals will be implemented, be sure to also set deadlines so that the action plan will continue to move forward.

I suggest looking at the Ottawa Charter, that is a very clear structure of an action plan which is used to improve personal health. If you follow the indicators in the Charter than you can build an effective plan.

Most of that was off the top of my head so I know that it was a bit broad, if you want me to go into more detail in a certain section just ask. Good luck :)

bored of sc

Active Member
Nov 10, 2007
Had I my PDHPE book at home right now I would tell you the general steps you can take to create action plan: from memory - its something like:

> Creating achievable/realistic goals (e.g. goal Body fat percentage or weight range)
> Identifying problem areas (too much bingeing or high in fat, sugar, salty foods, not enough regular exercise, not enough intensity even though exercie is frequent)
> Working to eliminate and change problems (creating loose eating plans that adhere to healthy food pyramid and make unhealthy foods 'sometimes' or 'rare/speical occasions' foods)
> Creating action plan - will jog for 30mins a day at 70% of MRH and eat according to the healthy food pyramid
> Tracking progress during implementation of action plan (writing a journal to see your progress, e.g. diet diary, weighing yourself daily, heart rate after certain types, insensities of exercise etc)
> Evaluating the effectiveness of action areas (did doing 30 mins of jogging at 70% of MHR for a month actually help reduce your body fat, heart rate and/or increase your physical fitness - if so, how can this effectiveness continue and/or )
> Modifying action plan and redoing appropriate steps (e.g. 30 mins jogging was too intense and demanding on your time so change it to 20 mins and run every second day)

P.S Gradually moving into exercise and diet plans works well - more chance of breaking those unhealthy long-lasting habits.
> Also, leave things they enjoy in there - if they particularly like chocolate get them to have chocolate daily in small amounts and try dark chocolate/low fat chocolate for example

Not sure that answers the question though.

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