PIP about stay-at-home dads (1 Viewer)


New Member
May 25, 2009
Questionnaire on stay-at-home dads

My name is Katie Elphinstone and I am conducting research for a Personal Interest Project (PIP) for part of my preliminary course for Society and Culture at Lucas Heights Community School. My topic explores the issue of stay-at-home dads. Your answers to this questionnaire will remain completely confidential and would greatly assist my studies.

Please circle and fill in as much as you can.

Name: ____________________________ Date: ___________________________
o 10-15
o 15-20
o 20-30
o 30-40
o 40-50
o 50-60
o 60 and above

Marital status: (Do not need to answer if you do not won’t to)
o Single
o Married
o Divorced
o Widow

1. Is your dad a stay-at-home dad?
o Yes
o No

2. Why did he become a stay-at-home dad?

3. Do you enjoy your dad being a stay-at-home dad?
4. Is your mum a stay-at-home mum?
5. How do you think the public around you view stay-at-home dads and why?

6. How do you view stay-at home-dads and why?

7. Would you prefer your mum to be a stay-at-home mum or your dad be a stay-at-home dad and why?

8. Does your dad being a stay-at-home dad, affect you and why?

9. Do you believe Males and Female have different views on stay-at-home dads?
o Yes
o No

10. Why do you think this?


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