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May 25, 2009
Questionnaire on stay-at-home dads

My name is Katie Elphinstone and I am conducting research for a Personal Interest Project (PIP) for part of my preliminary course for Society and Culture at Lucas Heights Community School. My topic explores the issue of stay-at-home dads. Your answers to this questionnaire will remain completely confidential and would greatly assist my studies.

  • Please circle and fill in as much as you can or please tick at least one box.
  • Try and complete every question, if you feel uncomfortable with any question you do not have to answer it.
  • This is an anonymous questionnaire.

Gender: Male Female
1) Age:
14 - 17 17 - 20 20 – 25 Other
2) Marital status:
Single Living with partner Divorced or separated Widow
3) What would you call stay-at-home dads?
a) Househusband b) Stay-at-home dad c) house dad d) homemaker
e) Mr mom f) other _________________
4) What area did you spend your childhood.
a) City b) Rural c) Suburban d) Other __________________
5) Is your dad a stay at home dad?
o Yes
o No
6) Do you believe Males and Females have different views on stay-at-home dads?
o Yes
o No
7) Why do you think this?
8) How do you think the public view stay-at-home dads?
9) How do you view stay-at-home dads?

10) Would you prefer your mum or dad to be at home at all times for your family?
o Mum
o Dad
11) Why would you prefer this?
12) What do you think it takes to make a “good” stay-at-home dad?
13) Do you believe gender role has changed over time and how?

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