has your teacher reviewed this at all? I'm a stickler for good presentation and thought behind questioning.
1) You cannot ask for names in your questionnaire - the aim is anonymity
2) Provide age brackets - eg 10-12 13-15 16-19 etc etc as it's easier for collecting data (I seem to remember someone saying this site provides graphs, etc of this sort of data)
3) Provide more options - mother, father, both, neither .. if you say 'other' allow some space for the participant to indicate their response
4) As above, provide an 'other' section
5) Perhaps provide an example scenario. Or add to it something like "Provide reasoning for spending a greater quality of time with one parent over another"
6) I have a feeling that "with" should be a "by" but I'm not totally sure to be honest.
There's also simple things like grammar and spelling that need to be addressed when handing out a questionnaire.
I'm sorry this sounds whingy and cranky and stuff but it's important for the actual production of your PIP that you have a properly constructed questionaire. Remember, you need to provide a copy of it in your appendix to prove you were not simply making up this task, that even if the statistics were false you still spent the time thinking of the questions.
Other than that, I think you have a good PIP coming if you just work on it a bit. It isn't something I've heard of and we had a lot of common topics in my class. Remember to talk to your teacher and don't be afraid of them. If you can't do that, make sure someone else you trust (not friends, another teacher maybe or someone like that) can proof your work. If in doubt, PM me and I will try to help .. or just post as many questions here as you want.