The most obvious way to improve your current position is by having your mark increased after it is reviewed, which would likely lead to a rank improvement. However, this is an element beyond your control and you should not worry about it. Instead, you should focus on the element that you can control, which is your performance in your upcoming assessment tasks/exams.
While unfavourable performance in this task will affect your overall performance (especially if it had significant weighting), this does not necessarily mean that you cannot make a comeback and potentially achieve your rank goal. Of course, your cohort's performance will impact your chances, with better cohort performance making it more difficult to place higher, and vice versa, although this is also an element beyond your control.
You simply need to ensure that you address any areas of improvement, for example, if you lost some marks in your task for content-related reasons, as opposed to only illegible handwriting, that could indicate areas of improvement that you can address moving forward. This is important because that content will be reassessed at a later stage, including your trial exam and HSC exam. Beyond this task, you should make sure that you study the content and syllabus regularly, as well as apply your knowledge of the content by completing practice material, seeking feedback and addressing any areas of improvement as you go.
I hope this helps!