I had tried everything! nothing worked! absolutly nothing!
Proactive works! but then again everyones skin is different
I HATE JESSICA SIMPSON, and for a long time put off trying Proactive simply because she endorsed the product. But I got desperate and my outbreaks kept getting worse....
I have been using it for 2.5 months now and Im happy to say that I have noticed a HUGE difference. I will be honest with you when I say it doest make your skin flawless. But nowdays I get 1 maybe 2
reaaaallllyy small piples on my face and they generally clear up within a day because of it. It took about 3 weeks to clear it up initially though, but after that it started working well.
Proactive does dry your face out but if you use moisturiser then your face wont dry out... try it without it first though. If you do get a break out you might want to try Benzac AC cream (with the proactive dont stop using it) if you need it to be cleared up there and then or the proactive isnt helping. But I dont need the benzac
Heres how it all works-
1- wet your face and apply the cleanser to your face and rub it...its not supposed to foam up its a sandy kinda substance.
2- rinse off your face and pat dry with a clean towel or something. Then get some cotton balls and apply the toner.
3- Apply the refining lotion
your done.. do it twice a da. It also coems with a mask that your supposed to use once a week, but I did a patch test an reacted to it so Im ot going to use it... you dont really need it.
Proactive works for me and I dont understand why I was so stubborn in the first place to use it... I could have had clearer skin a year ago :mad1: