There's a heap of questions... fairly similar. I'll give you the first
A lifeboat is dropped from a plane moving at 140m/s from a height of 110.5 m
-initial velocity of the projectile
-its initial horixontal veloctiy
-its initial vertical velocity
-its range
-its final horizontal velocity
-its final vertical velocity
-its final velocity
-the time taken to fall
-the height from which it was thrown
-its velocity 3 secs after droping
-its height 5 seconds after dropping
Could someone please answer that... if you use a formula state it, but if its just like initial velocity u=140, then dont worry.
thank you so much
A lifeboat is dropped from a plane moving at 140m/s from a height of 110.5 m
-initial velocity of the projectile
-its initial horixontal veloctiy
-its initial vertical velocity
-its range
-its final horizontal velocity
-its final vertical velocity
-its final velocity
-the time taken to fall
-the height from which it was thrown
-its velocity 3 secs after droping
-its height 5 seconds after dropping
Could someone please answer that... if you use a formula state it, but if its just like initial velocity u=140, then dont worry.
thank you so much