Curry said:
That's because you think you are old skool. And unless you are quite well off, I doubt anyone will be buying the PS3. I know I won't.
im 17, i used to play snes when i was 9-10 with neighbours, i owned a mega drive when they first came out when i was like 5 and me and dad used to play it all the time, not to mention my mum also loves sonic aswell, and me and neighbours played 64 together when it came out. weve just recently purchased another mega drive off ebay because we loved it so much.
so i dont know how oldschool you have to be to be playing those consoles? what im guessing your saying then is like, you have to of been playing these consoles before you were even born? moron sigh
i dont think im oldschool, i just prefer the old games because as i said, i grew up playing them as a child with friends and those were great memories i had. i dont really like the new conosles as they are much more complicated in gaming terms.