For undergrad psychology, UNSW is the best (has the most research funding, its experimenters get cited in other experiments more than any other uni in Aus, School of Psychology is huge, has many professors from top overseas uni's from overseas like Princeton etc).
But go for the B.Psych -you will get SO many advantages that the Science etc students miss out on its not funny (not to mention automatic entry into honors) fact the best psychology-related things I've done and learnt so far at UNSW can only be done if you're in the B.Psych, otherwise you're not allowed..
Psychology is a mix of being scientific (it is a science after all), and english-based (the theories etc). But if you want to get into the postgrad side (i.e. clinical/forensic/organisational psychology), then you will need to be pretty good at English by that stage I'd say...and you need at least honors + masters/dr in psychology (i.e. postgrad) to really get a strong career in psychology these days..