stormstormstorm said:
Okay ... i just got my uai 89.20 - a little disappointed but oh well - and i am thinking of doing psych through a BSc(Adv).
Don't be disappointed. You did well and you will probably get into B Sc (Adv).
stormstormstorm said:
1) is there any difference between BPsych and BSc(Adv) majoring in Psych
Just one minor difference. In your first year B Psych, you do one specific subjects called "PSYC1021 Intro to Psych Applications" which is only available to B Psych students. However, all other Psyc subjects in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year are availabe to both science and Psyc students. So I don't think doing one less Psyc subject in B Science (Adv) is going to be a major difference.
Besides that everything is the same between the two, as long as you follow the study plan in B Psyc as in your B Science (Adv).
stormstormstorm said:
2) is it hard to get into honours at unsw - ie are there too many students to fill too few places
The minimum requirement is a credit average (65+). Most people who wants to get into Honours will get it. The School of Psyc is pretty big
But of course you want a higher mark because you will be more likely to get your preferred project.
stormstormstorm said:
3) which is the better uni for psych - UNSW or syd
I don't think I can offer you an objective answer for this one. My advice is to look through the Handbook for both programs and see the various subjects each uni offers and decide base on that.
The various subjects you take in B Psychology (or B Science adv) are here:
Good luck on your offer!