Yo. Just so you know, if you want to contact a specific member, you can click onto their name to get to their profile. From there, you can send someone a Personal Message (PM) or an email.
I'd usually redirect you
here , but it seems there's nothing really useful.
'Social Position' is basically an invitation for a student to show off. Generally speaking, I'd address the main NKE Pharaoh dot points:
-Religion (Akhenaten is obviously special in this way),
You would obviously show his differing views of religion (were they even his views?), and various interpretations of his religion. What did his religion influence? (Everything on the list), why did he change his religion (political, social, maybe he was a believer? Maybe not?), what impact this had.
You'd go through all the dot points and then make an assesment of his position at the end. Was he a good Pharaoh, did people like him?
It's a very generic question which basically entails 'Tell us about Akhenaten and various interpretations of him'.