I wouldn't stress about it too much. As long as you know that :
Current Account+ Capital and Financial Account + Net Errors and Ommissions= 0
you'll be right. ( Net errors and ommisions taking into account statistical errors)
Although for short answer, multiple choice where this comes up all you need to know are the components of each account so you can work out the equation , which might be in a table etc.
E.G Current account( one way transactions in or out of Australia)
= 1) Balance on goods and service
2)Net Income
3Net Current transfers
Capital & Financial account ( are reversible and deal with financial assets and liabilties)
Capital ( non commerical transactions)
1) when people migrate into or out of Australia permanently
2) cancellation of debts
3)purchase of intellectual property rights. E.G patents, copyrights, franchises, trademarks
4) Foreign aid given for the building of infastructure
FINANCIAL ( commercial transactions)
1) Direct investment
2) Portfolio investment
3) Other investment E.G trade credits, currency
4) Reserve assets
there's some revision done for me !!!