1. A student carried out an investigation to analyse the sulfate content of lawn fertiliser. The student weighed out 1.0g of fertiliser and dissolved it in water. 50 ml of 0.25mol per litre of barium cholride soluition was added. A white preciptiate of barium sulfate formed with mass 1.8g
a)calculte % by mass of sulfate in fertiliser
b) asses reilabilty of procedure
2. A houselhood cleaning agent contains a weak base og genral formula NaX. 1.00g of this compouind was disolved in 100mL of water. A 20mL samlpe of the solution was titrated witrh 0.1000mol per litre HCl and required 24.4 mL of acid to neutralise.
a) what is molar mass of this base
a)calculte % by mass of sulfate in fertiliser
b) asses reilabilty of procedure
2. A houselhood cleaning agent contains a weak base og genral formula NaX. 1.00g of this compouind was disolved in 100mL of water. A 20mL samlpe of the solution was titrated witrh 0.1000mol per litre HCl and required 24.4 mL of acid to neutralise.
a) what is molar mass of this base