rant (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2023
guys im js so bad at english it's not funny and my rank in eng is so bad because I'm terrible at adapting in exams and my feedback is always "didn't answer the q" which causes me to perform rlly poorly. not to mention I perform poorly in assignments too.

im decent at my other subjects (mx1, mx2, chem, phys) and im ranked relatively well for those but my mum has such high expectations for me (she wants at least low 99s) and the pressure is js getting to me because of my english so I know i can't fulfill that request cos atp I feel like my rank won't even let me get a high b5. I've tried so many tutors and most of them don't work, I don't eveb have a large selection because they're all way too expensive.

But the worst thing is that I don't even care abt atar myself it's just my family, I only wanna do a double degree of commerce w smth else which doesn't even require that high of an atar (I'll probably get gateway)

Anyways yeah that's the end of my rant sorry


#1 nesa hater
Aug 1, 2023
yappaholics anonymous
as for getting better at eng i would say you need to look back and reflect on everything you screwed up on and the have to identify what exactly is making you flop. here are some things you could do:
  • identify specific problems: not "im bad at adapting essays and answering the q" but smth specific like "my theses are too convulted or too general and dont answer the question" or "i understand what the technique is but idk what it does to add to the overall value and meaning of the text"
  • what did you do in the past to prepare and what are the flaws in this method?
  • are you dedicating enough time to study for eng? bc if you are fine for other subjects you should spend some extra time on it if its a problematic subject for you.
to fix most problems in relation to english you have to do a bunch of practise responses in relation to the things you suck at e.g. if you suck at writing a thesis, sit down with a bunch of unseen questions, set a 10 min timer and respond to the question with a thesis as best as you can. get feedback on your work (as thorough as possible) and relfect on what went good and what went bad. eng is all about practise in that you need lots of timed practise if you want to succeed in being able to develop a strong answer under timed conditions.

also like 90% of the time i hear people getting the feedback "doesnt answer the q" i swear its because you guys are memorising and regurgitating without considering whether or not the stuff you have is relevant to the question. there is nothign wrong with memorising but blindly regurgitating is the actual problem. not sure if this is the problem you are having but here is some advice is that is what you are struggling with:
  • never memorise a full essay. if you need to memorise smth so you dont blank out in an exam go ahead but just memorise the analysis part in your paragraph and not any of the introduction, conclusions or starting sentences in your paragprah bc all of that needs to be written in relation to the question. so if youre writing a general intro or topic sentence that will automatically dock you marks bc you are answering your own question not the question in the exam.
  • make sure you memorise the right things. if you write analaysis abt some very specific and unadaptible topic ofc you will struggle with adapting it in an exam. if you have a mod b exam for example, all of the questions have some common central themes or ideas that all of the questions are about. for mod b i sat down and went through all of the hsc past papers and wrote down a list of all of the main topics and then narrowed down what the most recurring ideas were and wrote my analysis according to that. memorise some analysis and make sure you hit all of the points with your analysis (sometimes that means having memorised more than 1 essays worth of analysis).
also finally if you dont care abt your atar and its your fam forcing you idk what to say to you except first its your atar then its gonna be your uni degree that they want to decide for you. no matter how hard someone pushes you and no matter if it works and you do better, you have to think abt how satisfied or rewarded you are going to feel working for something that you dont care abt at all. its a quick way to crash out later in life. ive seen and met so many ppl with 99+ atars or ppl that make it into med that hate it and drop out of uni bc they dont care abt what they are doing and have reeached that that realisation that they wasted away their life for someone else.

imo your parents are not wrong, its beneficial to aim for a high atar even if you dont need it bc it will motivate you to put in your 100% instead of an 80% and provide you with the safety of havign performed well above your rquired atar instead of worrying abt "am i going to get in or not" but otherwise if you need a 90 and your parents want a 99 idk the point in pushing yourself that hard. try to talk to them abt how youre still going to try your best but it may or may not be a 99 bc of eng and also mention that you dont want the 99 and you dont need it either.

ronny thamer

Oct 17, 2023
guys im js so bad at english it's not funny and my rank in eng is so bad because I'm terrible at adapting in exams and my feedback is always "didn't answer the q" which causes me to perform rlly poorly. not to mention I perform poorly in assignments too.

im decent at my other subjects (mx1, mx2, chem, phys) and im ranked relatively well for those but my mum has such high expectations for me (she wants at least low 99s) and the pressure is js getting to me because of my english so I know i can't fulfill that request cos atp I feel like my rank won't even let me get a high b5. I've tried so many tutors and most of them don't work, I don't eveb have a large selection because they're all way too expensive.

But the worst thing is that I don't even care abt atar myself it's just my family, I only wanna do a double degree of commerce w smth else which doesn't even require that high of an atar (I'll probably get gateway)

Anyways yeah that's the end of my rant sorry
i have the same exact problem, like to the tee, but i just have to accept it and move on (albeit my parents to expect a high ATAR, but that's THEIR beliefs not mine). My older cousin told me perform to the ability you want in the HSC, so if you want a lower ATAR than your parents expect, talk to them and see if they are lenient/forgiving so you don't have to stress yourself out more. At the end of the day, you are your own person, not someone else's. English is also killing me btw, i'm gonna get low b5/mid-high b4, but oh well, it doesn't define me so idgaf.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2023
i have the same exact problem, like to the tee, but i just have to accept it and move on (albeit my parents to expect a high ATAR, but that's THEIR beliefs not mine). My older cousin told me perform to the ability you want in the HSC, so if you want a lower ATAR than your parents expect, talk to them and see if they are lenient/forgiving so you don't have to stress yourself out more. At the end of the day, you are your own person, not someone else's. English is also killing me btw, i'm gonna get low b5/mid-high b4, but oh well, it doesn't define me so idgaf.
I swear everyone has this problem w eng it's ruining everyone's atars


#1 nesa hater
Aug 1, 2023
yappaholics anonymous
I swear everyone has this problem w eng it's ruining everyone's atars
nah i think its bc eng skills are very hard to teach as well tho. the best your teacher can do is give you feedback but if you ask a teacher to teach you exactly step to step how to write an essay or how to analyse/interpret a text or how to think of creative ideas etc.

its not like maths where you kind of understand the concept and then do problems and practise papers and youre set for an exam either bc preperation wise there is always that sense of uncertainty in that the hsc could throw you a curveball (ik curveballs happen in maths but you can cope if you kind of attempt it but mod c can straight up cook you if you dont think of anythign on the spot)

imo if they are gonna make a subject compulsory they could have made it a bit more like fundamental and enjoyable bc not a lot of people care for eng and its just not their thing


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2023
nah i think its bc eng skills are very hard to teach as well tho. the best your teacher can do is give you feedback but if you ask a teacher to teach you exactly step to step how to write an essay or how to analyse/interpret a text or how to think of creative ideas etc.

its not like maths where you kind of understand the concept and then do problems and practise papers and youre set for an exam either bc preperation wise there is always that sense of uncertainty in that the hsc could throw you a curveball (ik curveballs happen in maths but you can cope if you kind of attempt it but mod c can straight up cook you if you dont think of anythign on the spot)

imo if they are gonna make a subject compulsory they could have made it a bit more like fundamental and enjoyable bc not a lot of people care for eng and its just not their thing
I agree English is probably the worst subject to make compulsory given how subjective it is


Apr 4, 2024
guys im js so bad at english it's not funny and my rank in eng is so bad because I'm terrible at adapting in exams and my feedback is always "didn't answer the q" which causes me to perform rlly poorly. not to mention I perform poorly in assignments too.

im decent at my other subjects (mx1, mx2, chem, phys) and im ranked relatively well for those but my mum has such high expectations for me (she wants at least low 99s) and the pressure is js getting to me because of my english so I know i can't fulfill that request cos atp I feel like my rank won't even let me get a high b5. I've tried so many tutors and most of them don't work, I don't eveb have a large selection because they're all way too expensive.

But the worst thing is that I don't even care abt atar myself it's just my family, I only wanna do a double degree of commerce w smth else which doesn't even require that high of an atar (I'll probably get gateway)

Anyways yeah that's the end of my rant sorry
how do u study for phys tho. like i get the content but as soon as u chuck me a question i cant explain it


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2023
how do u study for phys tho. like i get the content but as soon as u chuck me a question i cant explain it
ig ur not rlly understanding the content and js memorising it instead

if not then practice is defs the way to go, start off with easier qs if u dont get them and then once u master those progress to the harder ones


Apr 4, 2024
how long r u spending on physics bc like.. i feel like im spending like all my study time on just phys

ronny thamer

Oct 17, 2023
how do u study for phys tho. like i get the content but as soon as u chuck me a question i cant explain it
what i do is if i don't understand a concept FULLY, i go on youtube and watch as many random videos as necessary to understand it, even if it goes beyond the scope of the course so i feel sane. Then once i think i understand it, i get a dedicated physics a5 notebook and write down in my own words what the concept is, also writing down small things i need to know when approaching the concept. After this, i go onto a copious amt of practice q's until i'm good for the idea/concept. I also make it a point to review those small notes after a few days to consolidate the knowledge! p.s. if u need practice q's dm me i'll give u heaps.


Apr 4, 2024
what i do is if i don't understand a concept FULLY, i go on youtube and watch as many random videos as necessary to understand it, even if it goes beyond the scope of the course so i feel sane. Then once i think i understand it, i get a dedicated physics a5 notebook and write down in my own words what the concept is, also writing down small things i need to know when approaching the concept. After this, i go onto a copious amt of practice q's until i'm good for the idea/concept. I also make it a point to review those small notes after a few days to consolidate the knowledge! p.s. if u need practice q's dm me i'll give u heaps.
omg that such a good idea! i used to like watch videos until it makes me wonder what im doing bc its so far out of scope and then give up... my attention span is so short

if u have any practice qs on chem for mod 5 6 and 8 that would be amazing (my exam is tmr)

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