Im in prelim this yr and am finding english quite enjoyable. Just wondering if i could/should read ahead, like any books that my school will definately do. So i can be more familiar with the texts. Just an idea, any thoughts?
Just ask your teacher - there is so many different options for the topics that you could just be wasting your time. On the other hand, you could ask to see a copy of the current "Journey" booklet, because you'll be using that next year if you do Journey rather than Change.
Find out the modules you are doing and the texts which you will be studying. I read ahead for some of my texts and it saved alot of time. Read them after your prelim finals when u have more time It definately is a good idea.
I believe they would know, as most teachers choose their yr11 texts to harmonise with the yr12 texts... Their willingness to tell could be another matter. Asking won't hurt.
It should be encouraged. Nerdiness is by no means a bad thing. One way of finding out may be to see what your current Year 12 is studying. Most schools repeat their modules. Sometimes you can end up reading the texts inadvertently. I read 'Brave New World' in Year 11 for my own amusement, and then ended up studying it in Year 12. Worked quite well.