Try using these:
Master and Commander works with Crossing the Red Sea, if u like it plz tell me the links between the 2.
Leaving Home- LOTR- Fellowship of the Ring, maybe Deltora Quest? if u like plz tell me the links esp. in Deltora Quest: The Forests Of Silence (I don't know if it's right or wrong but what I know about the two is the whole idea of Leaving Home to go on an undesired journey thing, I think?...)
The Grapes Of Wrath by John Steinbeck-Migrant Hostel connection: similar migratory journey (Got it from a study guide,u should buy some too whenever u get the chance)
'Survival of the fittest'- Rebecca Winters, u should find it on the Time magazine website from google, btw, how's it connected to the poems, if so which 1?
Crossroads starring Britney Spears????????(don't do it, unless ur desperate)
My study guide also says ALIEN as a related text, is it a journey text, if so how is it connected to Skrzynecki????????????????????
Can u also find the feature article "A Rendezvous with Mars" by Robin McKie, it's from Good Weekend which was in there in July the 19th 2003, it's ANOTHER GOOD RELATED TEXT THAT IS RECOMMENDED! SO PLEASE FIND IT FOR ME!
plus here are some web links from another guide which talk about the migrant experience: