umm, it is such a complicated topic, but it is also very open to interpretation.
rtfg basically states the process which is opposite to globalisation. this would be the 'retreat'.
it think it is quite important that both sides, ie posistive and negaive, are looked at.
it would be positive because some texts would show the retreat as a way of holding on to traditions and beliefs, like what chip mentioned. on the other hand, globalisation can be looked from the point of view that it is a good thing. looking at communication, medical advances, etc.
some texts like The Castle show both these things. the obvious one being that the global is very 'bad' and the pressure it is putting on the locality. at the same time the audience can see how 'uncultured' the kerrigans are. they are totally oblivious to the world outside their lives and can be perceived as very anti-global. this places rtfg in a negative light.