dawma88 said:
hi im kind of stuck on this question. can any of u guys help out by just outlining what i have to do ( texts i do: medea, the cid, revengers tradgedy)
Q: what is the effect of revenge on the revenger & how is this conveyed to the audience?
Firstly I apologise because I took a few aspects of of human nature (namely Pride and Greed) and oversimplified the entire genre of Revenge Tragedy. But when I was studying for my HSC, i thought it was a good idea because if you're too open minded about it, you wont get any depth.
In Medea, her revenge deprives her of everything except her pride. She has firstly lost everything she loved to Jason, and now she's lost him and their sons. But she keeps her pride. It can be seen in many ways, but i prefer to think that she's in defiance of the audience, since (use your imagination) the public were the ones that couldn't look up to her due to her status as asiatic, a woman, a witch, etc.
In the Revenger's Tragedy, Vindici finishes his revenge on the Duke, but he becomes consumed in the feeling of vengeance. And he wont stop his killing rampage. Eventually he dies a comical death. And for what? Pride again. Pride that he has taken vengeance on his fiancee, Gloriana. Again, the audience sees this as funny. And so they should, as well as being aware of the excesses of revenge. Because it is a satire.
I did High Noon, so I can't help you on the Cid, hope you got some information in a nutshell.