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Our teacher wants us to hand in an essay next week. I think the question is a past HSC one.
"Genre's are specialised. They have their own set of associated conventions and values that make them distinctive"
What makes the genre (revenge tragedy) that you have studied distinctive? Refer to High Noon and Medea
I'm basically going to talk about genre theory, revenge tragedy and it's conventions and then the texts themselves, but what makes the genre distinctive? Is it basically the context and the values associated with the time, and the interpretations of the texts?
Any help is greatly appreciated
"Genre's are specialised. They have their own set of associated conventions and values that make them distinctive"
What makes the genre (revenge tragedy) that you have studied distinctive? Refer to High Noon and Medea
I'm basically going to talk about genre theory, revenge tragedy and it's conventions and then the texts themselves, but what makes the genre distinctive? Is it basically the context and the values associated with the time, and the interpretations of the texts?
Any help is greatly appreciated