what would the correct attire be?
Do you dress sassy in a dress and high high heels...
Or dress in something you know you won't fall over in, considering you know you're unco as all fuck.
Yeah wear heels but not too high, make sure that you can walk/run/jump in them.
Most people will be wearing a dress or skirt, so I'd reccommend that, but if you're worried about flashing people, wear shorts/pants.
Dress sassy for when you don't have to dance - make concessions for when you do! lol
Skirts are pretty big but there are always a few people wearing jeans As for heels, I prefer to stick to mid-height, and NOT stillettos - remember, you're going to be dancing in these
Depends where you're learning. I did a short course at uni and people just rocked up in whatever they wore that day, some just removed their shoes. Just make sure the heel is able to spin, like sneakers with rubbery soles wouldn't allow free movement whereas say the heel from a woodenish sole would.