SAM confusion | scaling - hsc mark & assessment mark (1 Viewer)


New Member
Mar 27, 2009
Hey, i've been noticing uber lagginess from bos...
Anyways, i have a few questions...

The first question is to do with SAM -
do i input the raw mark i got in the hsc exam or some aligned mark i can only get through some scaling process?

My next query is to do with ranking, im in a wierd position right now so its hard for me to estimate what Atar i will get from my perspective.
so here are my subjects @WSHS (it'd be nice to know my school ranking):

Subject | Current Rank | Expected Rank (after trials) | Expected HSC MARK
Eng(Ad) | 20/40 | 13/40 | 81/100
Chem | 8/35 | 3/35 | 89/100
Physics | 5/20 | 2/25 | 92/100
Maths3u | 8/30 | 5/30 | 91/100
Maths4u | 2/5 | 2/5 | 79/100
engo | 2/20 | 1/20 | 91/100

Note that My current rank is not reflective of my true ability ( i was quite ill for the examination week >_< ) so i have provided a rank i expect to achieve based on my current assessment standing and my current motivation level...

SAM/Atarcalculator estimates around 96.9 ATAR. but these predictions are based on my raw hsc marks correct? im worried about the ranking/scaling process whereby my assessment mark is scaled with my external mark if i am correct...

shine some light on my woes please.


Mod: ANU, ATAR/HSC Marks
Sep 15, 2006
Port Macquarie / Canberra
Hey, i've been noticing uber lagginess from bos...
Anyways, i have a few questions...

The first question is to do with SAM -
do i input the raw mark i got in the hsc exam or some aligned mark i can only get through some scaling process?
Aligned mark.

My next query is to do with ranking, im in a wierd position right now so its hard for me to estimate what Atar i will get from my perspective.
so here are my subjects @WSHS (it'd be nice to know my school ranking):

Subject | Current Rank | Expected Rank (after trials) | Expected HSC MARK
Eng(Ad) | 20/40 | 13/40 | 81/100
Chem | 8/35 | 3/35 | 89/100
Physics | 5/20 | 2/25 | 92/100
Maths3u | 8/30 | 5/30 | 91/100
Maths4u | 2/5 | 2/5 | 79/100
engo | 2/20 | 1/20 | 91/100
What do you mean by 'expected HSC mark'?

Wrong forum

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