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SAM on Premium problem (1 Viewer)


New Member
Sep 24, 2006
Hey, the problem is that I can't access the 'profile' page to input the subjects that I am currently studying in order to utilise SAM. This is due to the removal of the 'Edit Profile' button on my Premium membership account. To further illustrate what I am trying to say view the following pictures.

The Below picture shows the 'console' part of the SAM page on a Premium member account. As you can see there is no 'edit profile' button in order to input the subjects i am undertaking this year, so where my subjects would usually be seen it just states 'Please update your profile with the relevant HSC courses.' But I cant access the edit profile screen to do this....

The picture below shows the 'console' part of the SAM page on a Non-Premium member account. The edit profile button is visible and thus the subjects being undertaken can be entered and SAM can be utilised.

I have searched for another way to enter the Edit profile screen on the Premium account but i cannot find a way. Oh and the same 'console' screen is displayed on both 'Standard SAM and Advanced SAM' on a Premium account so thats out. All help appreciated :)
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This was done so that users cannot share accounts and constantly change subjects, if you need your subjects set up or changed, please email premium (at) boredofstudies.org and we'll fix it up for you


New Member
Sep 24, 2006
tactic said:

This was done so that users cannot share accounts and constantly change subjects, if you need your subjects set up or changed, please email premium (at) boredofstudies.org and we'll fix it up for you
Alright thx mate


New Member
Jun 21, 2006
Hi, I am having the same problem. I have just joined Premium Sam and I can't change my subjects. Did you get the problem fixed when you contacted them?



You have to message an admin and they will change it for you. Message them with your subjects, and they should fix it up for you.


Oct 31, 2005
thats ridiculus.. what if i want to compare how 2unit maths compares to general maths..

i should be at least allowed to go on the standard SAM and do that.. but i cant even do that anymore


New Member
Feb 9, 2005
lol so stupid la
wasted ages feeling confused and dumb

i feel cheated and victimised, why did being a premium member make me feel dumb???!!! surely we privileged few deserve better than this sort of treatment.

i feel 9h4xe8s's pain, i feel Liesy's and yes, especially yours sando. i am just as outraged as you are.

what's so good about advanced sam anyway? just some extra numbers and a pie chart for an extra 20 dulma.
that also includes useless features like quickchat and buddy list and piles of extremely bugged and incredibly inadequate set of notes for only specific subjects

i doubt advanced sam had helped out anyone except in deluding fools who think knowing in useless detail how their scores are scaled is going to improve their performance

making ppl pay for advanced sam. putting up ads, making all these connotations that somehow knowing a few extra figures is going to magically make things better even if you don't know how they'll get better is misleading and obnoxious!!

idiots start taking sam seriously
making them think that the amount of work they're putting in might just be enough for that dream number. a wise friend once suggested that they should just make sams that spew out 100 uais.

for them they've taken in too much of this hollow expectations from the ads.
umm duuuhhh its obv more pro, umm duh smart ppl should know this stuff.. umm duhh i'm gonna be more informed than most and ummmm i'm duhfinately gonna get higher UAI now...
(picks nose and hands 20 dollars to the gentleman)

yes of course its not to be taken seriously. its usually written in bold red with a bold red border. i get the message. sam is cool . it should stay.
but making ppl pay for advanced sam is just greedy and morally wrong

i'd rather donate 20 and not get to this stage than be offended like this. i don't want stupid buddy list, or quick chat. i don't want discounts on books i don't need. i especially don't need them wen they're out of date.
i would def like to donate to get geniune hard work on improving this site ( or maybe a weekly prize draw or something) rather than this money swindling scheme.

those who don't pay for the advance sam are also lead to think that the existence of more features means that sam can function MORE THAN what IT REALLY SHOULD function. the line should be drawn at giving a deluded estimate already.. not making them think that, this deluded estimate is going to amount to something.

i sincerely ask you guys to restructure this money thing. trust me, if i was a called a donater with a star next to my name it'll be better than being a snobby stupid premium guy.
the first makes me feel i'm actually doing something worthwhile, giving money to support a worthwhile site.
the second makes me feel selfish for wanting something others don't have.
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I'll stab ya
May 24, 2004
Mate, what the fuck are you on about? No where does it say you need to use the advanced SAM. The advanced SAM contains more features and better scaling algorithms, but in no way does it mean you need it, the ordinary SAM is more than enough. Everyone should be thankful that there is a SAM offered free of charge, originally if you wanted a uai estimation you'd have to pay, there was no other option. I think comparing estimated results to actual ones in the uai thread for this year is testament to how good SAM really is at predicting results. Anyone who thinks paying $20 for a uai estimator will give them better marks is as stupid as you seem to be. It is made quite clear that all SAM does is tell you what your uai would have been had you taken the HSC in previous years.

bubz :D

the last laugh
Aug 20, 2003
Thanks for that, Vince.

SAM gives you an <i>estimated</i> UAI. It does not state anywhere that using SAM will give you a <i>better</i> UAI. Even though bos could've easily charged you to use it, Standard SAM is available for free. Because Advanced SAM is, well, more advanced and helps you estimate what marks you might need to achieve your goal UAI - it is available if you pay a small price for Premium Membership.

I don't think many people are aware that someone (Lazarus) spent many, many hours creating it and I think it is amazing how accurate it is. Like acmilan said, just have a look at the 2006 UAI thread - almost all of the comparisons are only a few points off. It doesn't give you an unrealistic 99.95 when you should be getting 80.

As for the Study Guides we are selling at discounted prices - as far as I know, they are not out of date and we are still getting many orders for them. Premium resources continue to be reviewed, though admittedly the process has been slow lately as we have had trouble with the formatting and most of the Admins have been occupied with work and other commitments.

Some people are under the impression that the Admins keep the money earned from Premium Memberships - they don't. It all goes back towards the site - keeping BOS up and running costs a <b>lot</b> more than you might think, and in the beginning the Admins paid for all of it out of their own pockets. We appreciate any donations - paying for PM is a way you can help out, and ensure that BOS is still around for future HSCers.


New Member
Feb 9, 2005
lol just admit it advanced sam doesn't actually help

once you start selling it, people get the idea that it can actually do more. even if they don't know what 'more' is.

i have no prob with sam, but selling something like advanced sam is just stupid.

putting up big banners advertising it just means BOS wants people to pay money and give nothing in return. you can imagine that you might be getting something but serz don't make yourself laugh.

[q]I don't think many people are aware that someone (Lazarus) spent many, many hours creating it and I think it is amazing how accurate it is. Like acmilan said, just have a look at the 2006 UAI thread - almost all of the comparisons are only a few points off. It doesn't give you an unrealistic 99.95 when you should be getting 80.[/q]

you forget that we don't get our hsc marks at the begining of the hsc but at the end. before that time all anyone can do is delude themselves. - that's of course only if you're dumb and use it in that way... and my point is there may be many.

to acmillan: im sorry, i might not have explained what i meant

to the bos team: yep gw, gj, nw, thx. just saying there's a chance you might get more money by dropping the premium business. but HEY, that's just one man's opinion

to bubz: amazing, i recognised those lyrics, its that drowned man =.O
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Premium Member
Nov 13, 2002
You might get more money, by dropping the only thing thats feeding money directly from users?

Logic you win!


Paranoid Android
Mar 14, 2005
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
i have no prob with sam, but selling something like advanced sam is just stupid.
so stop buying it then. This is part of what we call capitalism. The idea is that if you don't like something, you don't have to buy it, and if you do like something, you have the oppurtunity to buy it.

Most of your points about SAM are completely indefensible. The purpose of SAM is made completely clear; it tells you what UAI you would have got in a particular year with a particular set of marks. It is also extremely accurate in predicting UAI's with accurate and realistic HSC marks. It fulfills its purpose very well, and there's no reason to stop selling Advanced SAM because there's obviously a market for it. If you don't like premium, then stop paying for it.

And suggesting that BOS might somehow get MORE money by CEASING TO CHARGE FOR SERVICES is pretty much the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Quit your whining and go bother someone else.

Also, those lyrics were actually penned by Leonard Cohen, not Jeff Buckley as you suggested. :D
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